Complete CO Data Set
The table below presents links to download the 13CO (2-1) and C18O (2-1) data-cubes from the SEDIGISM survey. The data has been processed with a dedicated pipeline running in CLASS, which is part of the GILDAS software. Each cube is available in fits format. Each cube covers 2 deg in longitude centered at the indicated position, over +/-0.5 deg in latitude. The pixel size is 9.5'' and the velocity resolution is 0.25 km/s.
If you want to download the whole data set you can use the following wget scripts: 13CO and C18O ; these can easily be modified for the other transitions. It currently takes 15 minutes to download each of the 2 GB cubes and will take approximately 19 hours to download complete set of cubes for a single transition.
Below we collect several versions of the SEDIGISM cloud catalogues, appeared in their respective papers. Catalogues are provided as .ecsv files (that contain the description of columns in the commented preamble), and as .fits astropy tables (where the column descriptions can be accessed with the "info" method).
- SEDIGISM_catalogue_duarte-cabral2021 (csv, fits): Original cloud catalogue assembled in Duarte-Cabral et al. (2021) (see their Table A.1 for further information).
- SEDIGISM_catalogue_urquhart2021 (csv, fits): Cloud catalogue that appeared in Urquhart et al. (2021) containing star formation efficiency (SFE) and dense gas fraction (DGF) for each cloud (see Section 4.3 and 4.4 in the paper for further information).
- SEDIGISM_catalogue_colombo2021 (csv, fits): Cloud catalogue that appeared in Colombo et al. (2021) containing spiral arm association properties and distance updates (see Table 1 and Section 4.2 in the paper for further information).
- SEDIGISM_catalogue_neralwar2022 (csv, fits): Cloud catalogue that appeared in Neralwar et al. (2022a) containing morphological classifications and association to filamentary and bubble structures (see Table A1, A2, A3, A4 in the paper for further information).
- SEDIGISM_catalogue_merged (csv, fits): To-be-used version of the catalogue, merging the most updated information from the previous version-catalogues.
We also provide a table of the medial axis; these can be downloaded in csv or fits formats. The skeleton of a cloud is obtained through the medial axis analysis of the cloud mask projected on the plane of the sky. Subsequently the cloud spine is given by the longest length across the skeleton. The pixels along the spine assume a value given by the distance to the cloud outer edge. The average width is obtained as twice the median of those values. Medial axis table contains information about the pixels along the spine for each cloud. Medial axis analysis is performed via the skimage skeletonize task and the cloud spine is performed using networkx and it is inspired by the Filfinder algorithm application.
Reduced and Calibrated Cubes
If you would like access to these data cubes please send an email from your instititional account to the management team (address given at the bottom of this page) giving your name and institution and we will send you a temporary password that will provide you with access.
1 In the assignment mask cube pixels that belong to a given cloud assume a number equivalent to the cloud ID in the catalog.
Reference and Acknowledgments
A detailed description of the SEDIGISM survey and overview of the results is given in Schuller et al. (2021). Please reference this paper in any publication that makes use of SEDIGISM data, and please include the following in the acknowledgment section:
"This publication is based on data acquired with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) under programmes 092.F-9315 and 193.C-0584. APEX is a collaboration among the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, the European Southern Observatory, and the Onsala Space Observatory. The processed data products are available from the SEDIGISM survey database located at https://sedigism.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/index.html, which was constructed by James Urquhart and hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy."
In addition, any publication making use of the GMC catalogue, cloud masks, or medial axis tables, please reference Duarte-Cabral et al. (2021). If any of the additional information added to the catalogue by subsequent publications was used, please ensure you also refer to the respective article as well.